Sunday 9 June 2013

New Build! V0.75 - Of Dice and Men

Grab it here - - or at the link on the side bar.

Sorry it's been a week, things have been pretty frantic. Getting some BIG NEWS tommorow that is either going to be very good or very bad. If it goes good, I'll hopefully be able to spend a lot more time on this, if it goes bad, well, I won't. We will see!
Not huge amounts of new stuff in the game, sorry. A few bits and bobs here and there, desert enemies, a new potion, a few fixes, start of jail stuff, things like that. Biggest new thing is a new gambling game in Gillesport that's going to tie into the water/ocean quest. Took me ages to get it set up and working, and it's still a little ropey.

Other big new thing is the first victory scenes, for defeating single bandits. Let me know what you think, more will be added soon.

Enjoy it, another update soon hopefully, if you can spare us a coin please do, have fun!


  1. Couple of things I've noticed...

    When you are hauled before the (very bored-looking!) judge, prison is misspelled as *pison*

    Trying to win the game in Gillsport isn't worth it because it's *you have a 1/18 chance to win and a 17/18th chance to lose*, and in trying several times, I never won it. Kind of hard to win when the number she's looking for is 14 and the first two rolls are a 1... if you could make the game a bit easier - like making the odds better, or only punishing the player if he/she is over, under you get the wager back or something - I think I'd like that more.

    I liked the victory scene for the solo bandit! I like that she accepts that she lost (grudgingly) and if you go the *naughty route* - not that anyone would DARE go that route mind you! LOL - it's quite funny!

    I like the new content, hoping for more soon :)

  2. Hwo can I get to the tundra?

    1. Go to Kaldeslav - North through the mountains from Boff - then hang around socialising in the bar until you get to meet a guy who wants to play cards. After you've played at least one game with him, the next time you meet, you can chat with him and he'll tell you who to go see to progress in the Ice Artifact Quest, and that should open up a new option for you in the Kaldeslav town menu. Once you've done that, you should have a new option when you go to leave the town. ^_^

  3. Maybe, you can make some woolf tf when you buy fur?

  4. Tried several times now, never met an enemy in the desert.

  5. The Dark Master12 June 2013 at 02:39

    I never saw any enemies in the desert either, I did however, post a new report in Fen's forums.

    1. whoops, I guess I added some of the desert enemies in the script, but forgot to "turn them on" in the game. I'll get them working.

  6. Did you get good news Seldom pie?

    1. We got told we'll find out in ten days. @_@

  7. It would be nice, if there were a way to let the game save the savefiles in the gamedirectory (or a subdir). I tried to edit the configfile in the gamedir accordingly, but apparently that file really used by the game (i.e. python doesn't create a compiled pyo-file of it).

    1. Just delete the .pyc file, when you restart your game, it will recompile your .py file, and use your settings.

  8. Pixulz! I've not played for a few weeks. I like the new text.

    I love the clothes too. "Quirky" style indeed. :)

  9. Hmm. Still seems to have the issue where one very short run of bad rolls can leave you unable to prostitute in Tench, despite doing fine beforehand.

    OTOH sip sip spit seems to have been fixed, it's rather more exciting now.

  10. Having posted that, decided to try the gambling game in Gillsport. I'm not liking it much, the chance of winning seems impossibly remote.

  11. I like the addition of Victory scenes to the game :).Maybe you could add a losing scene as well to some of the enemies instead of the usually 1 paragraph thing after you loose.
